Why do some women not go into labour? These are the questions that a woman would ask herself when she was faced with having to go into labour. The answer to these questions may surprise some. Sometimes it can be down to the timing of labour.
The first reason why some women do not go into labour is that they have too much vaginal stretch marks during and after pregnancy. These scars can make going into labour difficult due to the pain and discomfort. Some women may even find that their vaginal muscles have cramped so much that they find going into labour is next to impossible. These women usually give birth a few weeks before their due date.
Another reason why some women do not go into labour is because they are too far along in the pregnancy. Some women need a lot longer than others to get through their labour. They may not realise this, but women who deliver late usually have a lot more trouble going into labour. Women who deliver early usually go into labour a lot easier and do not experience pain as much as those who deliver later.
Why do some women go into labour and others don’t? Sometimes, a woman can go into labour a few days early due to hormonal upsets. Other times women are prone to pre-term births. This happens when a baby is born before the woman is due to give birth.
Why do some women go into labour and others don’t? Often a woman’s hormones can affect her whole body and not just her vaginal area. This includes things such as arthritis and fibromyalgia. Arthritis affects your whole body; it does not only affect the part of your body where you are going to give birth.
Why do some women go into labour and others don’t? The reason is that they have gone through a C-section and that alone can make labour easier. When a woman has a C-section she goes into labour a lot quicker. In addition, if she goes into labour before her cervix begins to open up, then she can push the waters out and get into labour easier.
Why do some women go into labour and others don’t? The size of a woman’s body and her medical history can make all the difference in what happens during labour. A large uterus or low abdominal pressure can often make it difficult for a woman to go into labour. Also, being overdue for a birth often causes labour to go faster or to happen at all.
Why do some women go into labour and others don’t? Every woman is different and each labour varies from the other. It’s important to understand that labour varies greatly from one woman to another and that a single factor, such as when you go into labour, doesn’t always lead to the next. Some women are often able to hold their labour down longer than others. However, the overall statistics show that most women do go into labour.
What can cause a woman to go into labour? A large fetus can sometimes force a woman to go into labour. Women who have two or more children at the same time are particularly prone to this. Pregnancy can be caused by a combination of factors that lead up to a woman going into labour. These factors can include the delivery of a preterm infant, fetal defects (if a woman has had a caesarean section), infection or some hormonal problems. Sometimes a woman is simply more prone to labour.
Why do some women have premature labours? Sometimes labour will start very slowly, or it will just stop after a very short period of time. These types of labours are usually due to a hormonal or genetic disorder. This can sometimes be treated or even cured with medication.
How long does labour take? Labour usually takes between six and nine weeks. This is affected by the woman’s age, how far along in the pregnancy she is, the size of the baby and her general health. Sometimes a longer maternity leave can help shorten this time.
Why do some women go into labour before their due date? Some women don’t go into labour until they are almost past their due date. They may go into labour a few days or a week early. Some women have medical conditions which mean they go into labour earlier than other women. These can include having cravings for food, drinking alcohol, taking birth control pills or using illegal drugs.